Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Creature Comforts

Upon reading Rebecca Skloot’s article, “Creature Comforts” I constantly found myself conflicted with where I stood on the issue.  Do I believe that service animals should be allowed, even the more unique ones? Of course I do.  But, I think the fact that maybe getting a license for a service dog is too easy, allowing people take advantage of it.  There is a line to needing a service animal, and having an animal you love dearly.  I strongly believe there might be some people out there who claim their pet/animal is a service animal when it truly isn’t.  This is unfortunate, because it weakens the positive image of these service animals and all the miraculous things they can do.
            Opening the article with the personal story of Ann Edie and her guide miniature horse, panda, drew my attention right away.  I was shocked to find out that a horse could provide all the services as a dog, and could possibly be a better service animal.  By linking in different stories of diverse types of service animals, Skloot displays how these creatures play a beneficial role in peoples life, building support for service dogs.  I personally have never seen an example of this, but I do know someone with a service dog, one of my old softball coaches.  Prior to getting his dog, my coach had a fatal motorcycle accident, which made him paralyzed from the waist down.  Although, he was able to manage by himself and with the help of his family, the dog was truly beneficial.  Service animals give someone a sense of independence, even though, they truly are relying on the animal, they don’t have to rely on others as much, which I can imagine would be refreshing at times. 


            However, on the other hand, I can also relate to how businesses are not as thrilled about the idea, due to health violations.  My family owns a small family meat market, and if a health inspector ever walked in and saw a miniature horse or a monkey, they would not be too happy.  As much as store managers may love animals it still comes down to them following the guidelines.  If they get written up for health violations that is bad publicity and could hurt their business.  I think in order for everyone to be happy, we need to establish laws that coexist with each other.  One person is always going to look like the bad guy if A.D.A. says one thing and health department says another.  I also agree with Brea with the idea that there should be a more standard way of certifying animals, so that not just anyone can claim one.

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