Monday, February 16, 2015

"SeaWorld vs. the Whale That Killed Its Trainer"

Having already watched the powerful documentary, "Blackfish", that the author refers to, I had a little background reading this article. I thought the author did a great job summarizing the movie as a whole and picking out the pieces that would best suit his audience. The parts of the documentary he decided to emphasize on played a powerful role in the way the author conveyed his information. Along with discussing different elements of the documentary, he also disclosed and evaluated the letter that SeaWorld sent in response. In the first paragraph of every section he summarized their statement, in the second and third paragraphs he reiterated why the statement was incorrect and didn't cover the correct facts.

I agree with Molly's statement about how this was the first article we read about the contrasts between humans and animals, instead of the similarities and connections of them. This article only reaffirmed my beliefs about SeaWorld and the horrors of kidnapping young killer whales and training them in captivity. My thinking being, who's benefitting from this? Only companies like SeaWorld who are making millions of dollars in profits every year from the captivity of wild animals. The author also shows that the killer whales aren't the only individuals negatively affected, the trainers also risk their lives everyday. In the documentary, there are more than 20 retired trainers who speak negatively about their experiences with SeaWorld and the heinous acts that the industry commits, which I believe is the most important part of it all.

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