Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Creature Comforts

In my opinion, I had mixed emotions about this article. In the beginning of the articles, she shares a story about a service horse which makes the reader feel that there is no valid argument or problem of why another animal besides a dog can be used in such services as helping the disabled. She even  compared them to service dogs in which she makes the horse sound way better such as they are less aggressive and have better eyesight. Reading this part I start to think " why is this even a problem to discuss?" I mean these animals seem to not be a problem as they are helping disabled humans get through the day. But later as I was reading the article the valid argument starts to appear. One issue that caught my attention was the one about the monkey. The author discussed how it may be a problem because some of these animals may contract diseases and pass it to others. For example, the monkey carries type b herpes and may be passed to others from a bite. She also discussed how the monkey was trained to get sugar for its owner who was diabetic. I thought this was a little insane because a person who is diabetic can do this themselves, they don't need an animal to do this for them.                                                                

But even though I have mixed emotions about the article itself, I did think the author did a pretty good job informing the reader about the variety of service animals while staying neutral about the argument in hand. I  also like the fact she in fact didn't choose sides. for example she talked about the positives of these service animals and shared stories about them but she also brought up the other side of the argument and why they may seem as a problem, like disrupting businesses. What made me mad about the article is when she discusses the issue of how people without disabilities abuse the fact that services animals are allowed in most businesses and bring their animals that do not preform such acts and services into these general areas. I feel that if they don't have a service to preform then you don't need to bring them unless the business says you can. that's why I like the fact that the author brings up that if you bring a service animal to a building in which animals aren't allowed in,  that you should show your certificate to prove you are in need of this animal at all times that way we can eliminate the people who just bring their pets because they feel like it. It also made me upset how therapy animals aren't seen as service animals. in my opinion they are because they are there to comfort the person when they are upset. I mean I know when I'm not in a good mood and are under a lot of stress and am super angry I know that if I have my dog with me and he comforts me that it will relieve it. so why can't people with actual emotional disorders bring these animals with them to places. I mean they are preforming an act of service that benefits and assists the owners health. This is my opinion on the article "Creature Comforts"


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