Tuesday, January 27, 2015

'For the Dogs' Has a Whole New Meaning

                As I first started reading the article I found myself thinking, what has being a pet owner come to? I can understand that people want what is best for their pets but, in reality all they really usually want is attention. Of course, I have splurged occasionally to buy my puppies some expensive treat or toy on a special occasion but not all the time. By reading the article I wasn't persuaded at all that I need to buy my pets more luxury items, I was merely shocked how many new products are now offered for pets. The most shocking advancement to me was the prosthetic testicles. I understand that getting a dog spayed or neutered does change their demeanor but they usually bounce back fairly well. I see prosthetic testicles as an unnecessary luxury.  

Where will it end!?
           Two weeks ago when I first took my new puppy to the vet, she asked me what dog food I gave my dogs. I told her Beneful without hesitation because that is what we have always fed our dogs and they have usually lived very long healthy lives. However, she told me that Beneful was sort of a middle of the pack dog food and that I should consider a different more “organic” brand that is better for my dog. The same thought occurred to me while I was reading this article as it did when I brought my dog to the vet. Is this new, healthier, organic dog food really beneficial to my dogs? I have owned dogs for as long as I can remember and we have fed them everything from table scraps to pieces of chocolate cake. Personally, I believe that if a person takes good care of their pet they can live long happy lives as long as they don’t need special food because of medical issues.

           The author of this article, Andrew Martin, did keep drawing me in because of his facts and statistics. He didn't cover just one angle he took points from many different people to make a well-rounded article. While reading I realized just how much people want to please their animals. However, do dogs really understand how long a person leaves them alone or how good or bad the
ir dog food is for them? Love for an animal isn't measured by what you buy for them but how much attention you give them. Of course there are the people who believe that buying expensive things for a dog proves your love for them. Even the Petco CEO admitted that people tend to let their emotions control what they buy for their pets. However, what proves that our pets today are happier with their more expensive lifestyles then our pets were 30 years ago?

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