Tuesday, January 27, 2015

"For the Dogs' Has a Whole New Meaning"

The article "For the Dogs' Has a Whole New Meaning" by Andrew Martin discussed the common trend of the ways people are treating their animals. Today, many people are giving their animals higher quality foods, better toys, and paying more for the best care possible. Some people are treating the animals so well that they sometimes put their animals before themselves. Pet owners today are trying to make sure that their animals are living the best possible life they can provide for them. I fall under the category of a pet owner of both a cat and a dog. To answer Professor Hollars' question, I would say that Andrew Martin's article did not so much persuade me to give my animals a more luxurious life because I feel that my pets live a pretty good life. We love our pets to the point that they are part of the family and yes, we definitely do spoil them. I would agree that the amount of money that people spend on their pets does show that this is a "pretty emotional category" because I found the 55 billion dollars to be an outrageous amount of money to be spent on pets. Our family gives our pets all the necessary care and then some, so I would say yes, people do spend vast amounts of money on their pets to show their love. Martin also leads us to this conclusion because he gives the facts on the extremes people will go to make their animals have a good life, and he even provides his reader with some statistical facts on the amount of money people spend. Also, he tells the reader how some of the foods we provide for our animals is eatable for humans, which i found crazy! I am not one to buy the special top brand dog food or the best possible toys for my pets, but I love my pets and they do live pretty awesome lives.

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