Monday, April 6, 2015

"Search for the Rare Ivorybill"

I found this article very intriguing, because I enjoy hearing stories of people going to great lengths to preserve animals and nature in general. I liked hearing the story of the efforts to save the woodpecker through the eyes of someone that wanted it to be saved. Hearing Eckleberry’s description of the bird made me wish I had been able to see it. He talks about how she was a magnificent bird and unlike other birds he’s seen before. Reading how one person can see so much in a bird, or any animal, makes me wish that people would try helping endangered species more. It amazed me that these loggers could go about doing their job without even thinking twice about the animals and nature they were endangering. I think that Eckleberry made sure to describe the woodpecker in a beautiful and majestic way to make the reader feel empathy towards the bird and make them want to help other endangered species.

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