Sunday, April 5, 2015

"Search for the Rare Ivorybill"

I found Don Eckleberry's account of the ivory billed wood pecker captivating, although I was a little unsure how his introduction tied into his conclusion. He began by discussing the longwinded politics of this species which included the governmental and economic issues influencing the battle for the bird's land. The author also tied in the importance of the ivory billed wood pecker to the habitats that they lived in. The author then went on to discuss his experience searching for and sketching the ivory billed wood pecker which gave readers a personal human connection to the bird, which I think is one of the most important pieces of this article. The author also uses strong visuals to build anticipation when searching for the bird and accurately and uniquely describes the birds presence and it's call. Agreeing with Stephanie, I also wonder if the last ivory billed wood pecker was aware of its importance and aloneness, and if it could feel the solitude of being the last of its kind on earth. Although I am unaware of what I would have to give up to save a species, I would say I would be pretty dedicated in the fight to prevent the extinction of the animal.

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