Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Blog Leader "The Thing With Feathers"

Being an individual who has never had a significant interested in birds or bird watching, this article definitely caught my attention. I think that the enthusiasm from the author and his fellow conservationist was contagious and his semi-sarcastic reporting gave the article an interesting spin. I was surprised to hear of their sureness regarding the returning of the wood pecker, because I had assumed this article would be quite unbelievable. One of the most important
moments during this article for me was when Bobby Harrison and Tim Gallagher visited the swamp and spotted the ivory billed. If I was in Sparling's position I would have been incredibly happy, because without the additional spotting he would have been regarded as crazy and no one would have put any effort into renewed search for the bird.

During class on Monday I found myself pondering what I would do if I spotted an ivory billed wood pecker, so I found this article very related to my thoughts during class. Considering I have no experience spotting birds, I would probably doubt myself and assume I had wrongly mistaken the wood pecker. In short, I think I would keep the sighting to myself and hope that if it was an ivory billed wood pecker it would find a mate and successfully reproduce without human intervention. What would you do in this situation? Would you be report your findings and risk harsh doubt?

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