Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Eric Sandgren: Cat Research, After All the Drama and USDA Finds Animal Treatment Violation

From reading Cat Research, After All the Drama, I noticed that the author was more in favor of UW Madison continuing to test their experiments on cats for cochlear implants by saying PETA "distorted the study" and "they claim falsely that the animals were tortured". I think the reason why is because the article is published by the Wisconsin State Journal so of course they would favor the University of Wisconsin side of things. But in USDA Finds Animal Treatment Violation, The author has a diverse perspective in which they try to remain neutral about the situation and only discusses the issue at hand and not their own personal opinion.

My opinion o the issue of animals testing is that I don't agree with it at all. It is cruel to these creatures because they don't get the choice to say yes or no and they have to sit through the pain like the cat that was burned by a heating pad during the Cochlear implant testing. Animals deserve the same respect as humans do because they are living creatures just like us not test subjects. Like what PETA said in the cat research article. We can use alternatives to test experiments than just animals. For example, some companies pay humans to have their equipment tested on them or use material like human skin or human body parts.

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